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Typical day in the life of a ship musician



So a lot of people wonder what happens behind the scenes on ships...

the next few blog posts will be dedicated to giving you some insight to behind the scenes....

First of all if you haven't seen any of my videos on youtube... check them out


So there are 5 things that musicians on ships typically do during the day... 






Sensing a theme? Most musician find themselves staying out late at night, doing their job and then socializing and then resting the whole day to have the energy to do it again the next night. Being a singer, I usually hide away during the day to rest my voice. Not that we typically go hard and drink the night away but being social on the ships is more fun than the alternative, but there have been times during my contracts where I got so hooked on a TV series that I would finish my set at night and then hurry to my room to binge watch until the sun came out. There have been other times in my contracts where I would stay out all night learning new songs to perform the following night. There also have been times when I wanted to be productive and get up at a reasonable time, go to the gym, be healthy and get stuff done.

When I started making videos on youtube I would find myself going around the ship more and being creative. Which is a much better thing than sleeping 12 hours a day.

Stay tuned for a new blog post every week !!! 

Ill see you next time and if you have any questions or suggestions for blog posts please let me know in the comments ?





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