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The importance of social acceptance and the consequences of having it denied - Postscript



Just a brief postscript to my last blog:

Our arrival in the city of Patna, in West Bengal, India, drew considerable media attention. A cruise upstream on the river Ganges onboard a small cruise ship, is quite a momentous occasion, since almost no tourists have taken this route since the 1940's.

Our Naturalist/Guide was asked to name the foreign dignitaries onboard for a photo. He told me later that he remembered

my name, since I often spoke to him, but had difficulty recalling the names of

certain of the foreign dignitaries since they had largely ignored him. Lady S who had been so rude during the journey, even tut tutting if we spoke on the observation deck while she was playing a game of bridge,

was displeased yet again. She requested not to appear together with me in a photograph. Her wish was granted; she was left out.

If you can make it there some day, India is a country of endless fascination, and perhaps on the river Ganges most of all. Thankyou for all your comments. Attached is a press clipping from one of the newspapers that featured the story.


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