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Help Support CruiseCrazies and Become a Site Sponsor!

Why Donate Anything?

CruiseCrazies is a culmination of hard work and commitment to providing free services of professional quality. A countless number of hours have been devoted to designing and maintaining this website. This includes providing fast technical support to those who need assistance. If you feel that you would like to send a donation for your use or appreciation, or just because you want to support CruiseCrazies, you can do so via PayPal.

Site Sponsor Benefits:

   ● Public recognition in our Thank You Site Sponsors forum
   ● The Site Sponsor Profile Badge is displayed below your member name on all forum posts
   ● Ability to upload and include attachments within Private Message Conversations
   ● Additional invites available for personal message conversations
   ● Increased storage space for private messages
   ● Edit post timeframe limit extended from 1 to 6 hours

How/Where do I Send My Donation?

PayPal is an extremely easy way to send donations over the internet free of charge. You can use a credit card, bank account, or your current PayPal balance! It's fast, free and secure. PayPal even supports international users! If you prefer not to use PayPal, please contact us to arrange an alternative method.


To Donate, please click the following PayPal button:

Thank you for your support!

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