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CruiseCrazies Photo Hosting

  Cruise Photo Hosting Information

Share your Cruise Photos!

Hosting Features:

 Gallery Organization
• Set images as album/category cover
• Profile Picture Album
• Friendly url's

 Adding Content
• Bulk upload option
• Add copyrights to photos
• Auto-resizing

 Viewing Images
• Interactive image notes
• Rate images
• Comment on photos
• Photo rotation tool
• Full-featured slideshow

 Content Discovery/Sharing
• Subscribe to Category/Album/Image
• Send photo as E-Card
• Set image as forum avatar
• Share with social networks
• Reputation with photo comments
Adding photo hosting to your account provides you with unlimited access to your photos, and a simple way to share your precious cruise memories with your friends and the community.

Browse All Photos

Available Packages:
 Gold15 MB $ 10
 Platinum30 MB $ 15
Storage Space: The number of photos you're able to upload into your Gold or Platinum account depend on the size of each photo, due to the wide variety of digital camera resolution sizes and megapixel settings. For example, if you upload photos that are large - Such as 2 MB each (typically created due to large camera megapixel settings), you'll use up the available space quickly. On the other hand, if your photos are relatively smaller in size such as 500 KB each (due to less megapixels per photo), you'll be able to upload many more photos to your account. You may always upgrade to get more storage space. Send us an email and we'll work with you.

Why the cost? It's expensive to maintain a photo hosting site due to the storage costs involved as the number of uploaded images increase. We charge the small fee in order to keep up with the costs. It's a one time fee, no monthly fee, no annual fee, and for the price of a small meal, you'll be able to upload your cruise photos directly to our server. By adding a photo hosting package to your account, you're helping enrich our community even further by sharing your precious cruise memories with us. Thanks for your understanding and support!

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