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Everything posted by 74936_1472661089

  1. Yasss, honey ?? #rhoc #preach https://t.co/SV7oLUKsjv

  2. Get rid of Othello-Care. It's a disaster. I know it, you know it, we all know it... #TrumpBookReports

  3. Hillary reads to FILTH, Honey #debatenight #ImWithHer https://t.co/F2R6xuq6GY

  4. RT @Gotham3: World's oldest & biggest wombat weighs 40 kilograms & turns 31 years old today. Happy birthday Patrick. https://t.co/LPqeOlTKPb

  5. RT @EmbryEthan: He isn't my biggest fear of this election. It's the millions of Americans that want that man to represent them. #debate

  6. "I apologize for the #TrumpTapes. It was over a decade ago & no reflection of who I am. Instead, plz focus on Bill's sex life of 1996..." ?

  7. 'Til next season, @Dbacks !! Love ya ?

  8. #truth ?? https://t.co/PBFx2HIoFS

  9. RT @nickpiecoro: That's the shortest official game in Dbacks history. Prior to tonight, they'd never had a game end before the ninth.

  10. RT @behindyourback: Trump: I was going to call Hillary a dumb fat and I didn't so now I win, right? I win. Done. Winner. Me.

  11. Over this week like... https://t.co/O9Q9xlfBGP

  12. Cant believe how much dialogue is in #MostLikelytoDie. Is it even a horror? And can I hate the final girl any more? Nope?? @AnthonyDiBlasi

  13. @midnight Who's Like Is It Anyway? ?? #InternetTVShows

  14. D&D Day? #NerdHolidays @midnight

  15. RT @AmericanExpress: Never forget. https://t.co/ccYqlpSbaX

  16. ?????? https://t.co/hi6CnhTTfj

  17. It's a @creepypuppet kinda night. Wanna play hide & clap? ?? #TheConjuring

  18. That #Dole commercial where the 2 couples meet up is ...odd. "Yeah let's go on a double date & discuss who has the better fruit cup habits."

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