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Just saying hello again

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Hello guys. As some may know we went to India oct. 2 for a wedding and we were to have a week in Bangkok on the way back which we did but 5 days of that was spent by my wife in a hospital there with severe gastro enteritis from something she got in India as she was feeling poorly by the time we got to BKK. So for us we saw virtually nothing of BKK except for the hospital. I spent the nights there with her, went to the hotel in the morning, showered and returned to the hospital and thats about how time went there for me. Oh well. The good points are many however;

1. She is well again and her health is good.

2. The hospital, Samitivej, is the best in BKK according to a friend who lives there and the care was excellent. The nurses and doctors were great and very kind.

3. The hotel staff at the Grand Millenium where we stayed we extraordinary. They were very kind, sent flowers to her room and even waived a late check out fee as they felt we had been thru enough. We plan to return to BKK again some day and will stay there for sure.

4. A week before we left I took an insurance plan offered by Allianz thru the UAL website and this will pay for the hosp. bill.

5. We were able to leave as planned as Sue's recovery accelerated the final two days so we did not lose our flight.

6. We flew ANA biz class outward and Asiana biz back and I heartily endorse their status as 5* airlines, esp. ANA.

Now we are looking f/w to an April cruise out of Tampa preceeded by a wedding in Clearwater the day before. And you can bet I will but travelers insurance! I recommend it for everyone. :thumbup:

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Larry - welcome home. :smile: I am so sorry to hear your wife had medical issues but glad she's recovered. Sounds like you had some great support in Bangkok. You made a wise choice in purchasing insurance. Hopefully, you'll get to enjoy BKK next time you return. :biggrin:

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Larry - I'm so sorry to hear your wife's illness changed your travel plans but happy she is now well and you found lots of good from it. I think every travelers worst nightmare is being ill in a foreign country and having to depend on strangers. Glad it all worked out and you are looking to return there

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